10/22/22 親子サッカー

Coordination Warm Up

Ball control drills

  1. Toe touch x 50 times
  2. Toe touch forward + backward 1~2 min
  3. Side-to-side x 50 times
  4. Side-to-side forward + backward 1~2 min
  5. Roll over x 50 times
  6. Stop and turn 1~2 min
  7. Dribbling using above techniques 1~2 min

kicking outside game

Each player tries to kick opponent’s ball outside of the area.  The player whose ball went outside of the area loses and sit outside.

Duck tails

Create a square space. Catch a opponent’s tail with a ball.


Cone dribbling and shoot drills

  1. Both feet and shoot
  2. Both feet Inside only and shoot
  3. Both feet outside only and shoot
  4. Dominant feet only and shoot

Daruma San Ga Koronda

Pairs passing


Defense step drill

1 vs 1

Dribbling Shoot Drill


  • At least for 30 min
  • Teach basic rules
  • Throw-in
  • Goal kick
  • Corner kick